Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sink or Swimmin'

Once in your life, you make a stupid decision. I might think this could be one, but after some thinking (yes, I do think), may be this is not as worse as I might imagined it to be. Or it is. Surely, there are times in your life that you seem to struggle over some decisions that you haplessly make. There are also times that you seem to doubt your capabilities, you have lost your confidence, you have stepped on shit, but in a way, these times gave you lessons to ponder. We make mistakes; we always do, and if this one will end up as one of those, then well may be God has other purpose for me. But I don't like to think it that way. I don't want to make this one as something I'll cry over my pillows at night. I have no time to wash them.

In every changes that we encounter, we make risks which will either make or break us. I'm not ready yet to crumble in pieces. It's do or die, sink or swim.

And I am swimming baby, yeah!!!


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